Monday, November 10, 2014

Be Socially Yourself!

Hey lovely souls,

I've had this topic on mind for a while and finally wrote about it. Hope you enjoy! --


Oh lord this is a topic that I could talk Bout all day everyday!

I visited one of my younger kids I babysat before and the first thing she said was, "do you have Instagram?"

I pause and gave her a confused look. She refreshes her picture and screams out, "omg 12 likes!!"

Wat the hell is going on in this world is the real question?! 8 & 9 year olds living off of social media acceptance. This has to be a night mare.... But it's not.

Mostly everyone I speak too even in my age bracket or older cater to how many likes or people see what they post. Not trying to knock your hustle; ok, you posted something but I think we are forgetting the most important part of it all: The true value

Are you posting things to become social media famous or are you posting things that you believe in, feel good about, and want people to learn or search/share to better themselves? Are you sharing your journey in a new project and promoting your passion so others can feel inspired to figure out their passion?

I think we all have to remember that we are humans. 

"Stop worrying about how many people follow you online and start worrying about the quality of people who follow you. Don't waste your time reading articles about how to get more followers. Don't waste time following people online just because you think it'll get you somewhere. Don't talk to people you don't want to talk to, and don't talk about stuff you don't want to talk about. 

If you want followers, be worth following."

Source From: Show Your Work! By Austin Kleon

This whole quote left me speechless and in awe. Because I am definitely guilty of searching how to get more audience for my posts to share my piece of thought. 

Hey I'm not perfect! 

But it's all true. I went back into my twitter and Instagram and unfollowed people I wouldn't even click on. I unfollowed people that didn't make me feel happy, and defintely didn't motivate me to be a better me.

That's my preference. I challenge you all, to remember we are all here on a journey to become the best we can possibly be. Start with what & who you surround yourself with, what you read everyday, what thoughts you tell & share with yourself. All these hings really matter on how your energy and attitude will be for each day you have. 

Remember  yesterday was the last youngest day you will ever have. Make the best of it and bring light that will make you feel amazing inside & out.

Cheers to the never ending journey of happiness.


Albamarina N. <3

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


When what you plan hits the fan!!! 

What do you do ?? You panic "yes omg my life sucks, why does god do this to me, why can't I ever get what I want ?" Those are the typical questions we automatically ask our selves and begin to self doubt.... LAWD!!! 

That's how I'm feeling haha. But for a second I stopped and just thought to myself. Things aren't going as I planned because there is something BIGGER AND BETTER on it's way to tumble down across my graciousness! Yes because I am a queen, a rare one. But indeed I am. And the crown I hold is invincible. Just food for thought.

So feeling a bit ehhh and doubting life or issues your going through? REMEMBER YOU HAVE GONE THROUGH SO MANY THINGS THAT YOU THOUGHT WOULD BREAK YOU APART, but look where you are now. You have learned and healed through the pain, becoming a better you. 

Friendly reminder to self.


Albamarina N.

P.s stand tall and strong like a well grounded tree.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I haven’t written a blog post since the end of June and summer is already over. Where has the time gone?! Where have I been? Geesh I feel like I have been everywhere in the world but yet..I really I haven’t. I went to Boston and Maine for about three weeks, visited family and friends, And actually had a vacation in Maine at Point Sebago. Beautiful nature surrounded, family camp resort. I post some pictures below.

But the struggle of it all, is once I leave NYC for a week or two I feel completely worthless and unproductive since I can’t do much auditions and attend events in Boston. (So occupied with catching up that when I eventually try to look up some work in Boston & I find nothing.) Its a bummer but each time is different. 

Where am I in my career? Lordy Lord, I have been going to many more auditions, taking classes, and getting coached. I ordered my head shots, postcards, and business cards to send to 10 agencies that I am interested in. I have a specific procedure I am going to follow within sending out my resume, thanks to my business coach Lisa Gold (check her out at She is an amazing women inside and out and teaches you the truths of the show biz!

I have also been working on a web series, called Anchor which you all can also watch the trailer here:

It’s pretty insane how you work on a passion project and feel so connected with the whole cast. Like I never met anyone from the cast before until rehearsals, and it just feels like family. Thats my favorite part about working on a project, meeting awesome people that share and teach you so many things on this journey.

Coming to Nyc now officially TWO WHOLE YEARS, freaking bananas!!!; has really taught me on how to let go of judgmental thoughts about myself and others and just really ride the wave. 

Its hard yes, to continuesly do that, but when you incorporate it in your life and attempt to make it a habit, it becomes your lifestyle. Letting go of drama within family and friends or yourself can be a bit selfish you say? The truth is, its ok to be a little selfish, at least for yourself. You deserve anything you want here on this pilgrimage we call life. Nothing can possibly stop you but yourself. The ego is the biggest enemy that really holds most of us back. 

Killing the ego is the challenge, but YOU CAN DO ANYTHING

People always say they want to be happy right? Reaching happiness as a goal is kind of a failure. Because once that day comes, then what are you going to do? What you really have to do is maintain the happiness within your life time, within your journey….BUT HOW? Enjoy each and every moment you have, from the moment of being grateful of waking up in the morning, to the breakfast on your plate to having time to look up to the sky and be able to breathe the fresh air of any season.

Appreciating the smallest things in life become your little niches of happiness. Once you open that door, you start creating more opportunities towards your overall happiness. 

Life is love. Your in control of all the love you give and receive. it just takes practice.

I leave you with a favorite quote of mine:

"It seems that our paths in life are not found in our minds. Our path in life is to find out what is on our hearts." 
- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Love & Blessings,
Albamarina N.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

To matter is to .. Change!

I'm sitting at a sushi place with my book in my hand and I can't help but listen to the conversation next to me (I know nosy me)! It's two older ladies around mid 60's super cool and down to earth women. And the direct line that drove me into their conversation that I have been hearing from a lot of older people for some time now; that really built a spark in my response: " I wish I can just go back in time and understand things differently. Not change anything in particular but learn about myself and situations." This right here is so real. It just is.

But I find in my response, how many older people believe that their time of understanding life has finished? It's merely just beginning if you are realizing this beautiful thing. You want more, you feel stuck and uncomfortable.. But feeling this weird feeling is ok, the discomfort is really what motivates to come out of your comfort zone.

Nobody wants to be in the same dimension in their lives forever, yet we fear change. Yes it's different, its a terrifying what "could" happen but what if that was your chance to really seek the peak of happiness you ever wanted? 

Wouldn't you want to live your life by facing your fears and saying "oh well" than,  "what if's?"

I invite you to try something new everyday or every week, I invite you to not think so much about some situations and go with your own gur feeling before sharing with anyone else. Because you matter! 

With much love&peace

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Afraid to love?

In my last relationship a couple years ago, I realized (years later) I wasn't in the relationship because I wanted to. It was because I wanted love. I needed love. I wanted someone to constantly make me happy. Even If I didn't love the person truly - deep down, I told myself that I eventually would. That's where I suffered internally. (This will make sense once you read down, promise!) 

In relationships we like to look for our significant other as "our other halves". That's one of first mistakes we do. We are so eager to find love that we don't even realize love is all around us. We have love inside us, but we don't see this as love.

People are starving for love, and when they taste just a little from someone else, it creates a big need and a wanting.

We create dramas when people believe they don't have love. 

"What am I going to do if he leaves me" " how can I live without her" : these are the dramas. 

All suffering, begins because of long ago we closed our hearts and we no longer feel the love that is even there. Some time in our life we became afraid to love, because we believed love isn't fair. "Love hurts." We try to be good enough for someone else and wanted to be accepted by someone else and we failed.  Already having a few lovers, a few broken hearts and that is when we give up. We don't trust love because we gave it a chance a couple times and to love again is to risk to much.

If we don't have any love for ourselves, how in the world can we pretend to share the love with someone else?

Going into a relationship we become needy and selfish. It all about me and what I want. We want "someone who needs me" to justify our existence. We think we are searching for love but in reality we are searching for "someone who needs me" someone who we can control.  (hence my introduction.) 

What we call love "someone who needs me" isn't love, it's selfishness. Selfishness does not work because there is simply no love there. 

Both people in the relationship are starving for love.

In the sex they have, they both taste a little love and it becomes addictive because again, they both are starving for love. 

We search for the best advice and read books that might as well be called "How to be sexually selfish." But where is the love in all of this? There is nothing we need to learn about love. Everything is already in our genes, in our nature. 

Love is everywhere, but we don't have eyes to see because our emotional body is no longer tuned to love. 

We are so afraid to love because it isn't safe to love. Fear of rejection scares us. We project something we are not; and try to be accepted by our significant other when we don't accept ourselves. The real problem is not our significant other rejecting us, it's that we reject ourselves, because we are not good enough, because that's what we believe and tell ourselves.

Self-rejection. You will never be good for yourself when the idea of perfection is wrong. It's a false concept that does not even exist. But yet you believe it. Not being perfect, you reject yourself.

"You can never forgive yourself for not being what you wish to be, and that's the real problem. If you change that, you take care of your half of the relationship. The other half is not your problem." - Don Miguel Ruiz

You have to focus on the most wonderful and important relationship you can ever have: the relationship with yourself!!!!!

Self love, you need to love yourself and then the love will grow more and more! Then later on when you enter a relationship, it is not because you need to be loved, it becomes your choice. And you can see who he really is. When you don't need his love you don't have to lie to yourself. 

You are complete when love is coming out of you and you are not searching for love because you are afraid of being alone. When you have self love you can be alone and there is no problem.

Going into a relationship of any kind, is because we want to share, enjoy, have fun, and not be bored. Looking for a partner to play and enjoy what we are. Just like when were children. We are attracted to other children because we want to play and have fun, not because we want to fight. And If it does happen it's short and over; and we continue to play. Even when we get bored we change the game and the rules but we are exploring all the time!

Start your loving journey and Go love yourself!


Credit: The Mastery of love by Don Miguel Ruiz

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Want to be proud of yourself?

Hey y'all,

As I sit here in Starbucks reading, The Wealthcure by Hill Harper, I was distracted a couple times by a homeless man outside of Rite Aid with a Dunkin Donuts cup in his hand asking for change, while opening doors to customers.

I noticed him conversing with some customers that gave him the cold shoulder; then some people actually gave him change and replied to him decently. 

Then I noticed him speaking to other homeless people walking by. This guy doesn't look aggressive, but nice. I can read his face very clearly. Besides him being homeless; what he really wants is love. He wants to care and feel normal by having a regular conversation with people. Mind you I don't even know this guy, just picking up on some of his gestures!

But most people would walk by quickly without thinking twice about this homeless guy, just because he's homeless. And apperance is usually what we judge first hand. We think we got it together or "oh aren't we glad we are not homeless". Not really knowing their story, we simply look away and forget that he is human too.

That's when appreciation comes in. We love to state that we hate our lives, stressed with work, not enough money, no significant other, fat, etc but rarely give ourselves credit for the things we've had or accomplished in our lives so far. 

Being proud of oneself is hard, yes. But it starts somewhere. It really starts within yourself. Regardless of where you Stand in life, unemployed, alone, depressed; take a Moment to hug yourself. Give yourself credit for having a roof over your head every night, for people that support you, for getting your high school diploma/ GED, for realizing that your not happy where you stand and want to CHANGE that. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, change all does start with the thought process of your mind. YOU know what's best for you. Don't limit yourself because you don't have the resources or finances to reach that goal. BUILD the things you don't have. Research. Create a support system. Creat a plan. And disect it for an everyday goal.

"Everyone has a purpose in life... A unique gift or special talent to give to others." -- Deepak Chopra

You have to find your purpose. And you will see results. 

My connection with the homeless guy?.. I am a firm believer of giving and receiving. So I do give change and my meals to some homeless people I see. I definitely want to dedicate some time in volunteering to the organizations that have guided me in my life. There's no other reward then giving back. It's a great feeling of accomplishment when you give back. Theses small things end up being an investment in yourself. No one can ever take that away.

P.S : The homeless guy walked into Starbucks cracking some jokes to some customers laughing with his friend! Then pointed at me because I smirked at the joke. HA why so serious? Laughing is healthy :)

Comments, questions, opinions? Don't hesitate to write them in the comment section!


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

More money more problems?

I realize the more I'm alone the more I observe. I mean I've been a people watcher since I was little and it always facisnated me. Not to sound like a creep or anything, but when you really take a look at what's happening around you, it gets you more curious.

I've been reading a lot more lately, series, self improvement, and financial literacy books. They have been teaching me so much on how to value yourself and how to maintain wealth. Main topics that I have found in most of my books shocked me. Like the common mentality on the working people, spending habits, value of money, confidence, success, future goals, and living in the moment.

I've always tapped into some of these in conversation, and many of the people I would converse with would agree, disagree and bring up great ideas on how to become a better person in any of the above categories. When you really talk to a friend or a stranger you can feel or analyze their sense of perspective. Not to judge them, just hear them out and listen. That's another thing we love to talk, but never embrace listening. We never talk about creating steps to change our habits, just always wish we had more money to solve our problems. Which it never really does, just like the saying "more money more problems."

Anyways, understanding many more of life's wonders and challenges I always questioned why we work for money and why do we use most of our income to pay our bills? Is there not another way to survive in this world without money, what was the point of money's existence? I've always asked my mom these questions and her immediate response would be, " you better not think like that and start working and learning how to manage money." 

Was I ever wrong to question if I never had an idea about why or how money really works?

My first job at age 15, was at AmeriPrise Finacial office. I was shadowing my Godmother (Financial Adviser) as an Assitant. Making phone calls, faxing, understanding and putting together Financial plans, viewing where people's money really went. I was aware of what was suppose to come when I grew older. 

I just never understood it to the extent I've always asked. 

We always say, "I can't afford it" but work hard all week to spend it on the weekend partying, shopping, or eating.

When all of the fun is over, we feel disappointed. Because looking at those charges and knowing how much we spent, automatically creates a negative vibe of disgust. 

My real point here is, we have to understand, talk, and learn how to manage our income. Lets not be afraid to face what is a little part of life that we praise so much and reevaluate: our attitudes, and how we spend. What is a solution to understand money and be happy in our lives.

My simple answer, is to go out and learn. We as a country highlight school so much, but believe after school is over we should not need to learn anymore. This mindset is what a lot of us must change and be more open to continuing to learn. Especially about the things we do not like to talk about i.e money.

I hope I leave you, on today's post with a little more insight. Remember, embrace failing. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Free write of the week.

Hey guys,

Here's another free write. Tell me your thoughts! Enjoy.

I've been feeling kinda lost haven't meditated in almost a week. 

I'm feeling like I'm here but not really here. My mind feels empty, but I'm constantly doing things.

That- I know will benefit me, but I pause.
Just for a second, to just listen. First in forever where I can't finish reading a page of my book. Or listen to music. I'm not sad I'm not physically lost. 

I keep living in the moment holy thinking about the future. Thinking this is the only game out here to play..

they say inspiration is always given, and when you know you want it, you expect it. 

But listen for a second, stop the whole world and listen. 

Your soul has been wanting to vibrate and give you the best energy you never knew even existed. 

Inspiration comes to those who aren't looking for it 

It is a gift from the precious universe 
And when the universe gives you a sign.... It's a SIGN

To let go and be free 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Free write

Hey y'all, I'll be posting a free write / poem/ spoken word once every two weeks on my blog. 

I haven't written much poetry or free writes in a while and I truly just miss it. 

Hope you enjoy.



when you have no control of what's pumping through your veins & 
Your sick of these comments that are all driving you insane. 

When the woman in your life, that you want to make happy and proud
she chooses when to love you & chooses when to stomp on you.

When you give her advice because you want to see her happy, but she's stuck & she knows it & she chooses to stay there, in that same situation

When there is opportunity to be loved - to love. But her heart is on hold-
On lock down& you can't even calm her down

Because it's offensive because you are wrong, because you always do the evil or the bad in the eyes of God-

Because your career isn't sh*# and you might as well be a striper since you carry no dignity & respect according to her.

Because you don't work hard enough and you don't make a living, or have a real job that will be proven on your taxes.

Because your younger and stupid & apparently don't know anything about life.

But being you.

It's not enough, it's a crime, since speaking your mind is a violation. 

Not determination. Of life

A sickness a disease of trying to show your own mother love and share real happiness in her very own light.

But it's reject e d-

& all you can do is love her. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Forgiveness is Hard Enough, but is it?

I have been doing a lot of reminiscing and thinking back to situations when I was younger that use to make me mad. No matter what the situation is, I know now we have no control over what and how people react and do things.  Because at the end of any situation in life we always have a choice.

Yes, i said it. A CHOICE. A move we can make.

I am an analyzer, and also a libra lol. So before I make any move I really have to think about situations.

But this isn't about me.  It's more about forgiving yourself after an argument or something you did that hurt another person.

You must be thinking, "Forgiving yourself? Alba don't you mean forgiving the other person that made you upset?"

Well yes, you have to (or choose to) forgive them, but before you forgive them, you MUST really forgive yourself. How can forgiving yourself help you?

Lets first start with letting that tension go.  Getting angry takes away more energy than being happy. Its a fact.  So while your upset about a situation that you can't really control or if its not going the way you planned, you are already wasting your energy mad about it then really trying to solve it or let it go in its own direction.

May sound a little confusing, but observe another fight or situation you or someone else may be in, and you will see! I promise.

I am going to share with you a VERY personal story, that made me feel mad, upset, angry, pissed, sad, ... EVERYTHING.

I was a senior in high school, and graduation was coming up. In about 4-5 days. My class and I were going on senior trips, excited for the big day. That Wednesday our class was going paint balling. While everyone was outside getting their cars ready, some one told me my principal was looking for me. I got called into the principals office to face the worst news of my life (at that moment).

*Mind you,  during my college application phase earlier that year, I literally kept receiving rejection after rejection. No acceptances, but 2 out of my list. I was frustrated and depressed. Seeing all my friends get acceptances while I was getting rejected was probably the hardest. Going to a College Prep school wasn't helping the situation in any way.  I ended up getting a full scholarship to do a gap year in Brazil (which was my life saver at such a down peak). *Happy dance*

But back to the story. My principal told me I wouldn't be graduating with my class (which was 2 days BEFORE graduadtion).  Because of an end of the year research paper in which I failed by TWO points. (I never failed a class in my whole middle-high school life)... I broke down, I pleaded to just walk on the aisle with an empty diploma and make up my paper.

She didn't budge. What I wanted most in my life at the time was my dad to see me cross the stage. He moved to Florida when I was 11 and he was traveling to my hometown, Boston for my graduation. I kid you not, that is all I wanted, to hear the words "I am proud."

I committed to my middle and high school so much; throughout my passion of clubs and any leadership roles I can grasp. And I never failed a class before! Never would I have thought I wouldn't have walked with my class.

The point? Well after that situation, I HATED every teacher in my school that existed. I felt like they looked down on me because:

 a) I wasn't going straight into college
 b) I didn't graduate with my class

I felt like everyone was against me. My parents didn't understand, my family was not really supportive of me going off for a year out of the country. It felt like everything was just going down hill.

But once I left the U.S, I realized I still held a lot of that hate within me. And I kid you not I felt it in my chest like a big ball wanting to just explode. And thats exactly what I did.  I talked about the situation with my friends abroad and just cried. I yelled, I swam in the water to let all that held in energy completely go...FREE. But what really helped me was writing.

I chose to forgive myself, and remind myself that I did nothing wrong. That I am valuable and I am unique. Remind myself, that my path may be the one I hadn't planned, but it sure was going to make me happy no matter what problem came across.

Then little by little I began to forgive everyone else. Not like I told them "I forgive you".  But in my sanctuary place. Where only I knew.  I had truly forgave them and did not keep ahold of any sort of grudge. Didn't happen over night, but over months.

There is always an outlet. You just have to find your own outlet, the one that truly frees you from any sort of negative energy that YOU do not really need in your life to truly be happy.

The challenge is to be aware and consistent with forgiveness. There is always a challenge you can over come.



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

10 things you can do before sunrise

Many of us complain that we never have enough time in the day to do the things we want. It is very false. We have 24 hours every day to accomplish all that we desire. The difference about 'making time' is you have to sacrifice something to make little changes become stronger.

E.g- If you want to get in shape and work a 9-5 job, knowing you usually are exhausted after work.. maybe you should wake up earlier and work out for at least 15-30 minutes daily. Think about it, these little 15-30 minutes daily can actually impact your body and health by being consistent and pushing yourself just a little bit. It can guide you to a better you.

Here is a list of 10 things me and my sis came up with to do before sunrise. There is no particular order. (And if you don't know when your sunrise is, check the weather guide the day before to plan ahead!)

FYI you can do more than 1 of these things, 5-10 minutes banging out at least three is a good start. No pressure at all, go at your pace, but if you want a change you must start small first.

1) Meditate, some people think you have to meditate for a long period of time, in actuality you can meditate for however long you want. Just be in the moment.
2) Write your thoughts or gratitude in your journal (if you don't have one, get one! Observing where your thoughts are every day can help you turn more to the positive side.)
3) Make a toDAY-do list
4) Read, an interesting book, a new series, anything that interests you and will inspire you to be an awesome YOU!
5) Work out
6) Make breakfast
7) Paint, sketch, doodle anything creative that comes to your finger tips! Adults can be kids too.
8) Take a yoga class (@ Yoga to the people for my New York & Cali people! Check out their site for more info)
9) Reach out to a loved one via email, text, phone and tell them you appreciate them in your life, let them know they are not alone, and wish them a beautiful blessed day.
10) Prepare your meal for the day. Wanting to save money but find yourself not having enough time to make your lunch the day before, do it the morning!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Showering thinking?!

I've been thinking a lot lately. Going back to when I started this blog, I had no idea what I really wanted to focus on. I figured it would come around later. But doing research on how blogs can be successful, the first point made was always to pick your focus, your theme, whatever you want to call it.

I couldn't do it. I love talking or writing about anything and everything. That's when I realized I could never just pick one thing! 

But recently (these thoughts have been in the shower! You know when you have those heart to heart with yourself in the shower haha!) I've understood what I've been writing about most of this "life's" blog. (Not Very long and consistent but I'm trying here!) 

It's been about my passion all along and I didn't even know it. 

LIFE - I've been sharing my own thoughts and experiences on this beautiful journey that we all share in common, life.

I have officially accepted it and made it clear in my brain so I can continue sharing more experiences that I encounter or thoughts that I ponder about. Because what is there to lose? 

If I have 2 readers or 1000 readers, I want to convey my journey on our Mother Earth. And connect with you.

Because it isn't easy, putting ones thoughts out there. So kudos to many of those writers/bloggers/vloggers that share so many personal  experiences to the world.  Many people don't understand that half the time we feel doubtful on what others may think. But trying does not hurt, it's conquering your fear that feels like a champion! 

It is as being on stage, living life and sharing a piece of you with others...(as an actress ;) or not lol) It's Not easy and takes tons of courage.

Have an idea or perspective? Find a creative outlet to let your mind become free, creative, & artistic. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winter.. is it over?

Hey guys,

Lately the weather has been acting crazy.. wait a minute actually its been acting crazy for along time. But there is this one thing that really bothers me and I just don't understand it at all.

I understand with fashion week and how they are always ahead of the seasons and all. (actually thats a lie lol, I have no freaking idea).

But retail stores piss me off! After the whole 'Holiday sales' Bullsh*, not even a month after January, all the retail stores post up Winter Clearance and Sale signs?!

Do they not realize that it is still under 30 degrees outside and winter is not literally over?!

Winter it is actually over on March 19th..and even then it is still cold! To be technical here.


In America, all the commercial life is all about living in the future. Seriously. We adapt so easily to it, that we do not even notice it surrounding us. We become like zombies, brainwashed and dead to the reality. How can we always plan for the future if we do not find a solution for the present issues in our country that are caused from the past? What sense does that make.. Really.

Americans crave buying and selling. Thats just a fact, to its own people or not. Consuming is an addiction. An addiction that causes trouble. Then people wonder why they are in so much debt? More than two credit cards, buying at least one unneeded item once a day… even coffee.

Now a days holidays have no real sentimental; because our youngest generation- already ask or have the technology that was just released by big companies. Growing up, wanting what every other kid has can be tuff,  and understandable. But parents should not forget to teach their kids value and appreciation. But thats another post…

On the bright side, s good thing from those early clearances are for us people in the cold area, to find cheaper sweaters that were overly priced and still keep cozy!

Be a smart shopper :)


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boys will be boys?

Happy Tuesday!

For all my ladies out there,

Did you ever have a conversation with one of your friends talking about a guy that you both had a crush on? Or have you ever wondered if any guy had a crush on you and your friend? How would you react? Would you tell your friend? What if he tried to talk to you and your friend at the same time? What would you really do?

These awkward situations are the worst I tell you. But how you react is the most important part. Being loyal to your friend or family member. Just be honest.

Even if you don't like the guy communication is key. To him AND your friend.  This all came about the other day.

A couple weeks ago I went out with my sister to an event. It was an amazing event, tons of people all kinds- artists, dancers, singer, EVERYTHANG! I was talking to other people, meeting new people, you know the usual when you go out and want to make new friends!

I go to another part of the event and mingle and my sister goes to another part to mingle and by the end of the night we gave out our contact information to a couple of people.

We leave all happy and yuppie because it was super fun! A couple days later some guy txts me from the event and I'm like 'hey wassup!'( The thing is the whole time I thought it was one of the girls I met that night. But I was wrong in the end. It was a guy though.. ) Conversations just rolling by, just being friendly you know? BUT now a days people take friendliness and being nice for flirting! (PSHHH YEAH OK DUDE RELAX).

So this guy is trying to meet up and hang. But I've been busy working and doing other stuff. I told my sister this guy is texting me non-stop from the other night and she's like 'stop texting lol.' But I feel weird being indirect. One hour later she texts me and tells me the same guy is trying to hang out with her now!!

In theory, the guy texted my sister because of the rejection from being able to hang out with me….?

The guy, forgetting she was my sister, (since we were doing our own things that night of the event,) the guy must of thought he was being all slick and gangstaaaa but HOMIE YOU GOT CAUGHT. *gun shots* just kidding!

The thing is, boys will boys and do whatever they think is right (and they talk about women wanting to be right) it goes both ways! But everyone will crack and break away from their old habits on their own. No one can force anyone but themselves to honestly change.

The best thing about being upfront about things that happen daily in your life is just feeling like yourself. Sometimes holding back isn't the answer.  Finding a way to export emotions: happy-sad- to whatever emotion: is a gift. Even if its a notebook where you write your heart out, brining it out is a relief.

Try it out!



Friday, January 10, 2014

Was stuck..BUT FREE 2014

Hey Guys,

It has been such a long time since I have logged on and wrote a blog and I definitely have missed it. Terribly!

The thing is, being completely honest. Being an artist is just plain hard. Not to say that it is so difficult that it isn't possible but to the point where you can get lost, stuck, muted, and really confused. Just like in any other career, but as a actress/painter/writer WHATEVER IT IS;  being muted is NO BUENO. So many ideas run through my head constantly, that I wish there was a cord plugged into my head and wrote and recorded everything so I can grasp every awesome idea/dream I have ever had. (My sister laughs at me when I tell her this!)

But it's not like that. Not at all, and I swear the best ideas come to you at the most random times and places. It's something I have to work on. Like jotting them down on my notes on my iPhone haaha ( I have so many notes is ridiculous!) and actually writing them on here. So get excited because I am going to be writing more frequently and will update my you tube channel.. stay tuned!mwuaha!

Being blocked (not purposely of course) is just aggravating, because your potential and dedication is there, just not 100% available for you to reach and just LET GO! AND BE FREE!

It is like a singer who has sang all her life to herself and family members and then believes she grew out of it because she got older. So she looks for another career to fulfill her happiness, but can't seem to find one that makes her as happy as when she used to sing just for fun. UNLOCK YOUR HAPPINESS

When the idea of fear enters the mind… changes everything. SO THEY SAY! … B.S

But does it really? Physically? Of course not, yet why do we still act as if fear was a Big wheeled truck ready to crush us? If we were to tell it "NO I DONT FEAR YOU FEAR!" what could it possibly do to us? NOT A DAMN THANG!

The truth is we control fear. It does not just appear out of no where. It comes from within us, in our minds. We thought about it, and we told ourselves that we are afraid of whatever it is. And then act on not CONCURRING OUR FEAR. (our just beating the crap our of ha!)

See, it really is easy to step on fear and tell it to disappear. Everyone talks about YOLO (You only live once). But why would you want to live the rest of your life in fear? What fun is that? Live your life to the fullest right?

And what if you don't have that opportunity knocking on your door again? And as soon as you said no, your immediate instincts smacked you secretly and just told you how dumb that decision was. What if that was the perfect time for your path to impress you and show you your real potential that you had no idea was in you?

You will live to regret that moment, then later forgive yourself and continue searching for your happiness in your path. Living every moment.

What I am trying to say is, ignore what others say about your decisions. Acknowledge your negative thoughts, and prove them wrong by creating positive outcomes that truly make you happy. Making others happy will not always fulfill your happiness and that is a fact. Because "you only live once"


Sound selfish? eh, not really. We come into the world alone, we leave alone and what matters is our journey here, right now in this very moment.

It's time to be a little selfish for once and do what you want. Nothing is impossible. EVERYTHING is possible. Believe in yourself and give yourself credit, because you are important in this world. There is only one of you EVER.

Stop living in the past and in the future. Live in this very moment and conquer your happiness and love.

And your path will roll out, right in front of you without you noticing that it was destiny all along.

