Tuesday, June 24, 2014

To matter is to .. Change!

I'm sitting at a sushi place with my book in my hand and I can't help but listen to the conversation next to me (I know nosy me)! It's two older ladies around mid 60's super cool and down to earth women. And the direct line that drove me into their conversation that I have been hearing from a lot of older people for some time now; that really built a spark in my response: " I wish I can just go back in time and understand things differently. Not change anything in particular but learn about myself and situations." This right here is so real. It just is.

But I find in my response, how many older people believe that their time of understanding life has finished? It's merely just beginning if you are realizing this beautiful thing. You want more, you feel stuck and uncomfortable.. But feeling this weird feeling is ok, the discomfort is really what motivates to come out of your comfort zone.

Nobody wants to be in the same dimension in their lives forever, yet we fear change. Yes it's different, its a terrifying what "could" happen but what if that was your chance to really seek the peak of happiness you ever wanted? 

Wouldn't you want to live your life by facing your fears and saying "oh well" than,  "what if's?"

I invite you to try something new everyday or every week, I invite you to not think so much about some situations and go with your own gur feeling before sharing with anyone else. Because you matter! 

With much love&peace

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