He guys,
Actually owing someone something…hmmmm ? This is a very touchy subject to talk about since we all don't like to borrow. But what frustrates me is when someone does a favor for you and puts it in your face that you "owe" them something.
.... First, if you didn't want to the favor from the kindness of your heart than why do it all? Seriously.
Secondly, The consistency of hearing the nagging and bragging on how you owe someone something back is annoying. (For example) What if your at the point where you can't give them the money you borrowed and would love to give it to them but financially can't right now. How to explain it? To your friend, your family, your boss? How can you make them understand where your coming from?
Thirdly, it's about working together. If you feel the person dodging you purposely, you might as well explain how you are feeling about the situation. "Hinting" at owing money makes situations awkward and unclear. Work together not against.
The solution is clear however most of us don't even do it. Hey I for sure "owe" a lot of things and really wish I could unleash myself from "owing back". But I'm figuring out a way. It starts off with communication, not "bitching" but communicate effectively on your situation, what your willing to do to "pay your owe", how it bothers you when they bring the situation up in front of others when it's really between you and the other person, how it really makes you feel. I know you must be thinking "oh how emotional can this person get" but this is the problem within the human population. We want to hide how we feel, which leads to making situations worse, and how we feel inside even worse.
It starts off with realizing you have pain within you that is held back, and forgiving yourself, others in order to move forward. Communicate and situations will come out smooth, positive, and effective. What you put into a situation is what you will receive.
There is always a formula!!!