Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Owe $, but don't know where to start?

He guys,

Actually owing someone something…hmmmm ? This is a very touchy subject to talk about since we all don't like to borrow. But what frustrates me is when someone does a favor for you and puts it in your face that you "owe" them something. 

.... First, if you didn't want to the favor from the kindness of your heart than why do it all? Seriously. 

Secondly, The consistency of hearing the nagging and bragging on how you owe someone something back is annoying. (For example) What if your at the point where you can't give them the money you borrowed and would love to give it to them but financially can't right now. How to explain it? To your friend, your family, your boss? How can you make them understand where your coming from?

Thirdly, it's about working together. If you feel the person dodging you purposely, you might as well explain how you are feeling about the situation. "Hinting" at owing money makes situations awkward and unclear. Work together not against. 


The solution is clear however most of us don't even do it. Hey I for sure "owe" a lot of things and really wish I could unleash myself from "owing back". But I'm figuring out a way.  It starts off with communication, not "bitching" but communicate effectively on your situation, what your willing to do to "pay your owe", how it bothers you when they bring the situation up in front of others when it's really between you and the other person, how it really makes you feel. I know you must be thinking "oh how emotional can this person get" but this is the problem within the human population. We want to hide how we feel, which leads to making situations worse, and how we feel inside even worse. 

It starts off with realizing you have pain within you that is held back, and forgiving yourself, others in order to move forward. Communicate and situations will come out smooth, positive, and effective. What you put into a situation is what you will receive. 

There is always a formula!!!  


Cheap food or save?

Hey guys!

Remembering my middle and high school days, money and time was spent on things that really didn't benefit me. And half these kids don't  event know what they are putting Into their bodies. All delis and corner stores sell the worst of the worst, cheap but it tastes good. (I am not to bash these items or places, just simply want to elaborate on how unhealthy they are and how you could have saved!) 

 I have to start with the Arizona drink. 1$ for a large drink of pure sugar. What that does to you is not quench your thirst but pump your energy up and then crashes within an hour. Leaving you feeling slow, tired, just plain lazy. We all know the feeling! 

Dunkin Donuts, my oh my... If I could save every penny I have ever invested in that place, I would be rich! SERIOUSLY!!! Everyday coffee, tea, bagels, tons of cream cheese, bacon, fake eggs builds a mountain of calories. Not even just that but builds a hole in your pocket. Think about it, coffee and tea is so easy to make at home. Wake up a few minutes early to make that, or are you on the go all the time? Put it in a to-go mug! Save those two dollars you would be spending everyday for something more worthy and valuable! As for the food, it fills you up for the moment, but an hour later your wondering why your tummy is rumbling and it's because your hungry again!  Because the bagel sandwich didn't fulfill your body with the nutrients it needed to start the day right! 

Lastly, is a classic .... PIZZA! We all love pizza, I know I do! But mozzarella cheese is really high in calories, and half these cheap pizza shops make their pizza mainly with more Dough than anything else.

Image from:

 Yes being healthy, can be pricey sometimes, but wouldn't you want to look better, feel better, and live longer than let all that food catch up to you and not make you feel good? We are all not perfect, but starting from somewhere and changing slowly shows that you care for your body and you know what's best. 

Since most schools don't inform kids in-depth about eating healthy and exercising we are our only hope within spreading the word. Also many people are getting diabetes because of these high sodium foods and high sugars. It can be decreased if you just check the label and spread the word! 


Don't you want real news?

Hey guys!

Something that has always bothered me is why doesn't the news actually tell us what we really need to know? All these news stations say the same exact thing, trying to move our attention or blind us to the reality of current news.

Like what really happens behind closed doors when the cameras are off?

How this came up to me is because I graduated high school with out knowing a lick about REAL life. I mean loans, stocks, bills, investment plans, health and life insurance,  retirement plans, The real things we actually need to know about in life! You know? 

Thank God my first job was at a financial advisor's office!

Why in the world won't schools teach us the things we need to know. Each teacher will tell you the same B.S. example math teacher : "your going to need to know this when you get in the real world" shut up!!! Half the things I learned in school have not popped up in my life. Hey don't get me wrong I love math, it was my favorite and best class since k-1, but seriously unless I am an accountant I don't need most of that s*€%$ ! 

The real problem is the system not feeding us the right and real information. It's all about controlling the people blahblahblah. It's not fair to us, if we make most of the population on earth why lie to us through media? Well my first answer to my own question would simply be business. Everything is a business. Even marriage.  If we all have to pay for a marriage license, and most of us get divorced ( which is way more $ than the stupid license) , the state will  clearly make more money off of everyone getting divorced.  (Hey these are my opinions and theories lol! ) 

But if you guys disagree or have your own opinions please do share in a comment below!

This all came about bc I always see people on the subway with newspapers of scattered news. 


Monday, October 14, 2013

Do you stop and think that your alone?

Hey Guys!

Lately I have been so busy doing so many things it feels like I never have time for myself.  But when I stop and think for one second and realize I am not alone, I can't help but smile.  Because people usually feel alone when their doing their thing in terms of working or "grinding" and focusing on them. Hey I am not going to lie, sometimes I do! What I really want to talk about is the value of friendship.

How beautiful it is to be YOURSELF 100% of the time around someone that knows you so well and loves, supports you all the way.

I was never really a only child, I mean I was for a while, but my father had four other kids before me with my stepmom and I was always surrounded by my older sisters when I would visit them in New York.  I always lived in Boston, but I was my mom's first child.  Growing up was not as hard as I would have thought (I also had step brothers and sisters) So I was always surrounded by many people and of course my cousins. I only had one- three people that really knew me. We were close and shared everything with each other.  But as we grow up our imagination gets smaller and we tend to throw away a lot of what we think about because our focus is on other things.

Friendship is something so beautiful that everyone encounters in sometime in their life. There are bad moments and sad moments but when you see the progress youre friendship/ relationship has made in just 5 years; you realize how much you care for one another. Also how much you both have grown as an individual and as a team.

Moving away from my small hometown to the loud, fast pace New York City has shown me that friendships are always going to present themselves no matter where and what state of mind I am in. (Even though you can get lost in NYC) The hard part is always showing appreciation frequently and letting the other person know how much you truly care for them.

But in all relationships come hardships, what matters at the end of the day is that you participate in the relationship, because thats what its really about. Working together as a team! 50/50! And always being their no matter the distance!

Whats one thing you do to keep you're friendships strong?


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Are you always Angry?

Hey guys!

Anger being a waste of energy? Does anger make things worse? Maybe once or just all the time?

Honestly this is such a iffy topic to talk about because when you feel angry most of the time you dont really think about the consequences that come after.  For example your brother uses one of your favorite shirts you just bought, you haven't even worn it yet and he wears it to school! So your pissed at the moment and you curse him out and tell him you hate having a brother and wish you never had one, just saying the nastiest things. After a while your blood is still boiling and things can go many different ways. But either at this point you yare feeling so ... overly charged with so much energy you don't even know where to even put or leave it. So you punch a wall or scream in your pillow and feel a little bit better.  But what if your brother knows you didn't mean those things and later on really contemplates on it.  Being "emotional" about it (as everyone says) or he let the words get to him.  Now what? You apologize or maybe just try to brush it off like it never happened. But that energy is still there, within both of you. Sometimes we don't have the power to even control that.. or do we? What about for the people that can't really control how angry they get; where they can not think for a second right before they get angry and think to themselves " hmmmp, I am about to angry and I don't really care for what anyone even thinks."  That never happens. Emotions just happen no matter how much we try to hold back, and pretend they are not there.

Anger is so powerful that no one can ever catch it before it slips out. What is the real definition of anger? or being angry?

Anger is a normal emotion with a wide range of intensity, from mild irritation and frustration to rage. It is a reaction to a perceived threat to ourselves, our loved ones, our property, our self-image, or some part of our identity. Anger is a warning bell that tells us that something is wrong.

Definition from:

Some say it can be healthy or it could be opposite.  Honestly my opinion of being angry: it is not worth wasting negative energy when that can be put into positive energy that can benefit you!! (But again being angry happens to everyone!) Emotions is another topic.. but do we seek emotions to feel more comfortable?

Being conscious is one thing, but taking action and trying new ways to become less angry takes practice. Whats one way you try to not get so upset?
