I have been wanting to share with you all some inner thoughts that have been going on for a while, more like an appreciation phase in my life. As I sit on this bus leaving Monticello, New York going back to the chaos of the city; I realize that Multi-task and commitment are big thangs in the world of an adult. Yup it got a lot more realer.
Theres a beauty in being an artist. Although so many people perceive the industry and everyone that is not known as a "starving artist," I have changed my views on that false advertisement. See the thing is that people only say they are a starving artist because they live pay check by pay check. I'm not going to sit here and lie, it's still happening to me from time to time. But I have never in my life decided to be an artist because I wanted to starve and not have money. Lets face it, money is important and it is a factor to success. But in order to even get there, you have to have some perspective.

I love to multi-task and I love kids. So what do I do with these passions? I use it as another source to create some sort of income to support my career. Extending yourself to other jobs that you know you are good at and can excel is probably the best thing, that anyone can offer. That way, you create your schedule, the way you know it needs to be and you do not have to worry about just having one job supplying your survival needs and become stressed while you enter the audition room (if you are an actress/actor/singer). But it really goes for any career, you do better when you know your not going in for the job, just for the money *FACTS* aka.. collected information from my sources; people already in the industry that are working.
Somehow this post got way off the topic I intended to talk about HA! Which is about, IMAGINATION. As an actress that constantly has to tap into the beautiful world of my imagination -crossing to a reality, I really really believe that as we grow older we tend to lose that spark. That flame that drove our parents crazy as children, playing with our toys, pretending that we are in the ocean, driving in a car (but its really a box); those kind of moments that we can only replay in our heads and keep to ourselves....or to our close friends.
Just close your eyes for a second and forget the bills, forget the problems, because honestly its all temporarily, and things will get better. They always do. Be a kid again. Theres nothing wrong with that. I mean honestly we all have a kid in us somewhere, we all were kids once right?! Thats the one thing we all have in common as human beings.
Plan ahead of time and get in the comfort of being free..NO JUDGEMENT ZONE. Since that really gets us nowhere.
Thats one thing I am definitely appreciative of. Being able to babysit, tutor, connect with kids of all ages. They need someone, besides their parents to penetrate their mind. As a sitter I have the opportunity to shape and guide the child to an extent and that in itself is a gift because they are the future. Getting kind of emotional here because all my kids that I babysat when I was kid (I know kind of confusing) are all going to college! I can't even believe it, but I make sure that I check in on them. Its the least I can do. ITS FREE. Helping in itself is a free thing to do, it costs nothing but a little of your time. So make time for being a kid.
So much peace and love going your way.
Albamarina N.