Sunday, February 8, 2015

Been forever and I'm quite done with that

The fact that I haven't posted since November clearly make is seem like I have been ghost lol! I have been thinking about this blog and the real posts almost ever week I have not been posting smh. Life has got in the way and so much has occurred but this is the space where I come to and share with all you lovely souls, to converse and share life as an actor and where things are even headed.

So let me catch you up, I've been auditioning for more commercials, and rebranding myself way more. Oh just remembered I need to contact my new Headshot photographer for new head shots ha! I just recently came back from a trip from LA, from meeting new agents and managers. The seminar/ workshop was called " How to get more Acting work" by Lisa Gold and Tyrone Jackson.

It was great information, great networking, and a great push for me to REALLY wanting to move to LA. Not just because of the weather (although it does have a lot of influence), but honestly because its where I should be, commercials, tv, film world!!! Ain't got nothing on NYC!
But at the same time you can build whatever you want ANYWHERE YOU WANT!

It's a reminder I have to remind myself everyday, I am a work in progress. For the better. The most amazing thing is that I am almost done with my book.. yeah I am writing my first ever book. This is a crazy idea I have had for so long, and the fact that I have been doing it without thinking about is even more beautiful. So yes, I am proud of myself.  (   I WILL keep you guys posted:)  )

Moving forward with being positive, practice is important right? But the thing is, being positive all of the time is the real challenge.

How to countinuesly be positive?  Well one way that helps me is organization. Planning when to meditate and give yourself YOU time is important. You can plan out pieces of your whole week, by writing some things into a planner or char/list for the week, It's kind of important doing that every week or every day, because it builds habit and practice, so when you do it naturally its not a hard task. But the beginning of the journey does take discipline. Having a buddy helping you out is also extremely helpful.

Start with simple ways of being positive, have a note of your favorite quote in front of something you see everyday, make positive come to you as you go to it equally. What you put into the universe, does matter- as that and so much more will come right back your way.

With so much peace& love,

Albamarina N.

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