Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Don't you want real news?

Hey guys!

Something that has always bothered me is why doesn't the news actually tell us what we really need to know? All these news stations say the same exact thing, trying to move our attention or blind us to the reality of current news.

Like what really happens behind closed doors when the cameras are off?

How this came up to me is because I graduated high school with out knowing a lick about REAL life. I mean loans, stocks, bills, investment plans, health and life insurance,  retirement plans, The real things we actually need to know about in life! You know? 

Thank God my first job was at a financial advisor's office!

Why in the world won't schools teach us the things we need to know. Each teacher will tell you the same B.S. example math teacher : "your going to need to know this when you get in the real world" shut up!!! Half the things I learned in school have not popped up in my life. Hey don't get me wrong I love math, it was my favorite and best class since k-1, but seriously unless I am an accountant I don't need most of that s*€%$ ! 

The real problem is the system not feeding us the right and real information. It's all about controlling the people blahblahblah. It's not fair to us, if we make most of the population on earth why lie to us through media? Well my first answer to my own question would simply be business. Everything is a business. Even marriage.  If we all have to pay for a marriage license, and most of us get divorced ( which is way more $ than the stupid license) , the state will  clearly make more money off of everyone getting divorced.  (Hey these are my opinions and theories lol! ) 

But if you guys disagree or have your own opinions please do share in a comment below!

This all came about bc I always see people on the subway with newspapers of scattered news. 


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