Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winter.. is it over?

Hey guys,

Lately the weather has been acting crazy.. wait a minute actually its been acting crazy for along time. But there is this one thing that really bothers me and I just don't understand it at all.

I understand with fashion week and how they are always ahead of the seasons and all. (actually thats a lie lol, I have no freaking idea).

But retail stores piss me off! After the whole 'Holiday sales' Bullsh*, not even a month after January, all the retail stores post up Winter Clearance and Sale signs?!

Do they not realize that it is still under 30 degrees outside and winter is not literally over?!

Winter it is actually over on March 19th..and even then it is still cold! To be technical here.


In America, all the commercial life is all about living in the future. Seriously. We adapt so easily to it, that we do not even notice it surrounding us. We become like zombies, brainwashed and dead to the reality. How can we always plan for the future if we do not find a solution for the present issues in our country that are caused from the past? What sense does that make.. Really.

Americans crave buying and selling. Thats just a fact, to its own people or not. Consuming is an addiction. An addiction that causes trouble. Then people wonder why they are in so much debt? More than two credit cards, buying at least one unneeded item once a day… even coffee.

Now a days holidays have no real sentimental; because our youngest generation- already ask or have the technology that was just released by big companies. Growing up, wanting what every other kid has can be tuff,  and understandable. But parents should not forget to teach their kids value and appreciation. But thats another post…

On the bright side, s good thing from those early clearances are for us people in the cold area, to find cheaper sweaters that were overly priced and still keep cozy!

Be a smart shopper :)


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boys will be boys?

Happy Tuesday!

For all my ladies out there,

Did you ever have a conversation with one of your friends talking about a guy that you both had a crush on? Or have you ever wondered if any guy had a crush on you and your friend? How would you react? Would you tell your friend? What if he tried to talk to you and your friend at the same time? What would you really do?

These awkward situations are the worst I tell you. But how you react is the most important part. Being loyal to your friend or family member. Just be honest.

Even if you don't like the guy communication is key. To him AND your friend.  This all came about the other day.

A couple weeks ago I went out with my sister to an event. It was an amazing event, tons of people all kinds- artists, dancers, singer, EVERYTHANG! I was talking to other people, meeting new people, you know the usual when you go out and want to make new friends!

I go to another part of the event and mingle and my sister goes to another part to mingle and by the end of the night we gave out our contact information to a couple of people.

We leave all happy and yuppie because it was super fun! A couple days later some guy txts me from the event and I'm like 'hey wassup!'( The thing is the whole time I thought it was one of the girls I met that night. But I was wrong in the end. It was a guy though.. ) Conversations just rolling by, just being friendly you know? BUT now a days people take friendliness and being nice for flirting! (PSHHH YEAH OK DUDE RELAX).

So this guy is trying to meet up and hang. But I've been busy working and doing other stuff. I told my sister this guy is texting me non-stop from the other night and she's like 'stop texting lol.' But I feel weird being indirect. One hour later she texts me and tells me the same guy is trying to hang out with her now!!

In theory, the guy texted my sister because of the rejection from being able to hang out with me….?

The guy, forgetting she was my sister, (since we were doing our own things that night of the event,) the guy must of thought he was being all slick and gangstaaaa but HOMIE YOU GOT CAUGHT. *gun shots* just kidding!

The thing is, boys will boys and do whatever they think is right (and they talk about women wanting to be right) it goes both ways! But everyone will crack and break away from their old habits on their own. No one can force anyone but themselves to honestly change.

The best thing about being upfront about things that happen daily in your life is just feeling like yourself. Sometimes holding back isn't the answer.  Finding a way to export emotions: happy-sad- to whatever emotion: is a gift. Even if its a notebook where you write your heart out, brining it out is a relief.

Try it out!



Friday, January 10, 2014

Was stuck..BUT FREE 2014

Hey Guys,

It has been such a long time since I have logged on and wrote a blog and I definitely have missed it. Terribly!

The thing is, being completely honest. Being an artist is just plain hard. Not to say that it is so difficult that it isn't possible but to the point where you can get lost, stuck, muted, and really confused. Just like in any other career, but as a actress/painter/writer WHATEVER IT IS;  being muted is NO BUENO. So many ideas run through my head constantly, that I wish there was a cord plugged into my head and wrote and recorded everything so I can grasp every awesome idea/dream I have ever had. (My sister laughs at me when I tell her this!)

But it's not like that. Not at all, and I swear the best ideas come to you at the most random times and places. It's something I have to work on. Like jotting them down on my notes on my iPhone haaha ( I have so many notes is ridiculous!) and actually writing them on here. So get excited because I am going to be writing more frequently and will update my you tube channel.. stay tuned!mwuaha!

Being blocked (not purposely of course) is just aggravating, because your potential and dedication is there, just not 100% available for you to reach and just LET GO! AND BE FREE!

It is like a singer who has sang all her life to herself and family members and then believes she grew out of it because she got older. So she looks for another career to fulfill her happiness, but can't seem to find one that makes her as happy as when she used to sing just for fun. UNLOCK YOUR HAPPINESS

When the idea of fear enters the mind… changes everything. SO THEY SAY! … B.S

But does it really? Physically? Of course not, yet why do we still act as if fear was a Big wheeled truck ready to crush us? If we were to tell it "NO I DONT FEAR YOU FEAR!" what could it possibly do to us? NOT A DAMN THANG!

The truth is we control fear. It does not just appear out of no where. It comes from within us, in our minds. We thought about it, and we told ourselves that we are afraid of whatever it is. And then act on not CONCURRING OUR FEAR. (our just beating the crap our of ha!)

See, it really is easy to step on fear and tell it to disappear. Everyone talks about YOLO (You only live once). But why would you want to live the rest of your life in fear? What fun is that? Live your life to the fullest right?

And what if you don't have that opportunity knocking on your door again? And as soon as you said no, your immediate instincts smacked you secretly and just told you how dumb that decision was. What if that was the perfect time for your path to impress you and show you your real potential that you had no idea was in you?

You will live to regret that moment, then later forgive yourself and continue searching for your happiness in your path. Living every moment.

What I am trying to say is, ignore what others say about your decisions. Acknowledge your negative thoughts, and prove them wrong by creating positive outcomes that truly make you happy. Making others happy will not always fulfill your happiness and that is a fact. Because "you only live once"


Sound selfish? eh, not really. We come into the world alone, we leave alone and what matters is our journey here, right now in this very moment.

It's time to be a little selfish for once and do what you want. Nothing is impossible. EVERYTHING is possible. Believe in yourself and give yourself credit, because you are important in this world. There is only one of you EVER.

Stop living in the past and in the future. Live in this very moment and conquer your happiness and love.

And your path will roll out, right in front of you without you noticing that it was destiny all along.

