Monday, March 4, 2013

Actors first audition..BAM!

Hey guys!

Hope you have started you're week on a great start! Because I sure have, the sun is out and the wind is blowing me the direction that I want to be in.  So I promised I would let you guys know when I attended my first audition as a young actress.... and here goes! I had my first audition about two weeks ago, in Manhattan.  

It was such a cool vibe, the people that were hosting it were extremely nice and young artists! I was a bit nervous I am not gonna lie, but thanks to both of my friends joining me, I was a lot more relaxed and ready to go in and have a cold read. I went in and did my thang, then came out and had to go again with two other actors to do the scene.  A week later I got a call back saying I got the lead role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was jumping up and down! We already filmed and have to do voice overs before being edited. But I will post it on the blog when we have the finished product! But one thing I have learned from this experience is to get enough sleep the day before, eat breakfast, and really dissect you're character!  Also do not be surprised when the director gives you a new copy of the script the night before, just know the lines from the back of you're hand!! 

Believe it or not filming is a draggggg. No, Seriously, because the director knows the shots he wants and wants them perfect, so you have to keep the character alive every time you hear "ACTION"! I did not believe my teachers when they told us that we are going to be exhausted by the end of the day. But now, I definitely know lol! 

So now what? Let the auditioning begin!



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